How to influence new generation to get into cooking??? (….part 1)

Cooking in a simple term can be described as the performance of magic of turning raw produces into edible and digestible one and thereby, enhancing the certainty of getting nutrition into our body for its wellbeing and growth. It is a universal truth that what we eat is what we will turn into. The body starts breaking down the food that we eat right straight from the chewing process and then it gets break down completely in the stomach finally being observed by our body and transported to wherever necessary.
Anyone with good sense of humor or with their ability of good common sense knows that the food we intake is responsible for what we will get into. i.e., healthy and strong or weak and diseased. It is therefore, essential to consume good foods. When we trace back and look back in past, we had the trend of consuming food that used to be prepared at home and thereby making us much more strong and healthy. But, these days we see ourselves surrounded with unhealthiness and unrealistic kind of unknown problems within our body and surroundings. The leading cause for this situation is definitely the food consumption trend we are up to, putting all other factors aside. The food that we consumes most often comes from the factory rather than farm, are chemically preserved rather than with natural process preservation, and also are available in different packets with different shapes and sizes with artificial taste additivities rather then as it’s natural state.
A more deep look into it which can be seen just with a simple glimpse and observation around the societies of this world, most of the young generation are already into the risk of being weak and unhealthy by birth. Most of them are having the increasing problem of different types of food allergies and also most of them are already the victim of Obesity and all. All these are due to the food consumption habit and the food we rely upon. How is this so sure about to talk and argue for? Well, we shouldn’t go far enough to look at it. Neither, we have to look into the past for the wisdom. When COVID-19 hit our planet, then all of us were bound to isolate ourselves into our homes and also hiding and being away from each other. Until a remedy vaccine was developed, we tried to survive ourselves with nutritious foods and herbs. Though, we consume different medicine but all wouldn’t have worked if we haven’t consumed good nutritious foods. So, what were those nutritious foods? Of course!, that was not pizza, burger, chips or hot dogs. Those were also not the food that used to be available in containers with preservatives or packets that were made from factories. Those foods were the food either could be a stew, soup or salad, but made at home with fresh garden and farm ingredients as per it’s availability. We learned the lesson that good food is everything to make us away from any kind of illness, even if we have pills for all disease.
The new generation can be seen fully dependable on the factory made packaged food and foods from the restaurant and fast-food outlets. The modern busy technologically advancing society, have focused more on development of almost everything. But, it is true that the natural process and system can’t be reversed. Something must remain to it’s natural state for better future of humanity. If we start replacing our body with different artificial inventions then one day for sure, we won’t be needing any food to fuel with, rather we will turn ourselves into a robot and a robot is always a robot, not human. This could be a topic of discussion for next session. Thus, we must also prioritize this precious time to focus ourselves to teach this golden generation to get into good and natural state of food eating habit as well. Let’s make them eat food for nutrition and good health, rather than making them eat for fun and just filling up their tummies to make the able to get some more time to focus on the other developmental works.

This series will definitely be very helpful for the development of the knowledge regarding basic home cooking for everyone. It will definitely be fruitful for all to learn the basics of home cooking that deals with the cooking of the nutritious and hearty meals. The provided information regarding cooking will not only be pivotal for the young ones to consume, but it will be the most easy way to make them do the cooking by themselves. All the recipes will be as per the ingredient easily available, and with their focus on the nutrition provided. Finally, the texture and taste of the dish will also be explained with easy method of preparation.