5 Interesting Facts on Human Health Defenses !!!
(Don’t Miss the Five. We will Explain them all One after other simultaneously …)
Since there has been tremendous and exciting scientific advancement recently, most people should be able to enjoy good health. And yet, even as more cutting-edge medicines are developed, millions of people suffer and pass away from preventable chronic illnesses. Better health is a matter of equality that impacts us all due to the rising expense of healthcare and an environment that is becoming more hazardous and unbalanced. The crippling expense of healthcare keeps rising, putting the whole field of modern medicine in an unsafe situation where it is on the verge of disintegrating. The number of sick individuals must be reduced if the expense of health care is to be substantially reduced. There is no “silver bullet” for any one disease or for overall health and longevity. No single factor in our life is going to prevent sickness. Several studies shows that there is a technique to strengthen our own defence mechanisms by which our body will repair itself. Researchers claims that we have drastically undervalued our ability to change and improve our own health.
Drug therapies cannot keep us healthy on their own. So the issue is, how can we prevent disease more effectively before we have to treat it? “Food” is one current remedy. Every doctor is aware of the connection between a bad diet and avoidable disease, and the medical profession is giving food an increasing amount of attention. Even culinary lessons have been introduced to the curricula of several cutting-edge medical institutions. Dietary interventions don’t require expensive pharmacological therapies because food is readily available. We must first comprehend the concept of health in order to fully understand the advantages of food for health. Most people define health as being free from sickness. But it goes much beyond that. It is evident that our health is an active state, safeguarded by a number of amazing defence mechanisms in the body that work flawlessly from the moment of birth until the day we pass away, maintaining our cells and organs in good condition. The foundations of health are these defence mechanisms. We may adopt a coordinated approach to stopping illnesses before they take hold by recalibrating our disease prevention strategy and concentrating on these shared factors.
Your health is supported by “Five Defence” mechanisms. Diet has an impact on each system. These systems are in charge of keeping us healthy, protecting us from the common dangers we all encounter on a daily basis as part of everyday life, and healing us when invasions from illness do harm to our bodies. You may use these systems’ healing abilities to live a longer, healthier life by understanding how they protect your body like a fortress. If we think of our body as a fortress from the Middle Ages, we might assume that it has many more smart built-in defences in addition to its stone walls. In fact, several of these defences, like explosive shells , the murder hole, were only discovered in castles after an invading force attempted to use them. Consider your body’s defence mechanisms as its fortress’s secretive walls. Now that the body has these defences in place, it is possible to methodically consider how to strengthen your health.
There are Five major Defense Systems existing in our body. They are:
1. Angiogenesis,
2. Regeneration,
3. Microbiome,
4. DNA protection, and
5. Immunity.
(Let’s learn in short about these Five defenses)
Our bodies have 60,000 miles of blood arteries that provide oxygen and nutrients to all of the cells and organs. The process through which these blood vessels are created is known as angiogenesis. Foods like soy, green tea, coffee, tomatoes, red wine, beer, and even hard cheese can influence the angiogenesis defense system.
Our body regenerates itself every day, supported by more than 750,000 stem cells found in the bone marrow, lungs, liver, and nearly all of our organs. Throughout our lifetimes, these stem cells maintain, restore, and regenerate our bodies. Some foods like dark chocolate, purple potatoes, black tea, and beer can help us regenerate.
Our bodies contain around 40 trillion germs, the majority of which work to protect our health. In addition to metabolising the meals we eat and delivering them to our stomach, these bacteria also regulate our immune system, affect angiogenesis, and even assist in the production of hormones that affect our brain and social behaviour. We can boost our microbiome by eating foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, cheddar cheese, and sourdough bread.
DNA Protection
Our DNA is our genetic blueprint, but it is also designed to be a defense system. It has inbuilt repair systems that shield us from harm brought on by household toxins, stress, poor food, and other shocks as well as sun radiation, stress-related sleep deprivation, and disrupted sleep. Not only may some meals encourage DNA to repair itself, but some foods also activate advantageous genes and shut down unfavourable ones, while still others prolong our telomeres, which shield DNA and prevent ageing.
Our immune system defends our health in sophisticated ways that are much more complicated than thought previously. It is impacted by our gut and can be controlled in order to effectively combat and eradicate cancer, even in senior patients. Our knowledge of the immune system has radically transformed as a result of recent findings. Foods like blackberries, walnuts, and pomegranate can activate the immune system, while other foods can dampen its activities and help reduce the symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
In Conclusion
Your dietary decisions can change the odds in your favour if your objective is to live a longer, healthier life. You’ll have a higher chance of fighting off sickness and prolonging not just the length but also the quality of your life if you strengthen and maintain your defence systems. Your nutrition can help you reach your maximum health potential when combined with regular exercise, sound sleep, stress management, and strong social ties.
(We will discuss each one of these systems in detail soon…)
Referred Books:
· Bulsiewicz, W. (2020). Fiber Fueled. New York: Penguin Random House LLC
· Davis, L & Rowe, B (2008), Anti-inflammatory foods for health. USA: Fair Winds Press
· Greger, M. (2015). How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease. 175 Fifth Avenue, New York: Flatiron Books
· Li, W. W. (2019). Eat to Beat Disease. New York, Boston: Hachette Book Group
· Longo, V. (2018). The Longevity Diet. New York: Penguin Random House LLC
· Pollan, M. (2008). In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. USA: Penguin Press